Thursday, March 20, 2008


I have just filmed the last scene! Again in black and white, I have gone back to the first scene of Sindy in bed. The whole film is about Sindy contemplating about her life and thoughts so each scene is about her thinking about what she has done and why, so the final scene goes back to her being in bed, after she had the bad dream.
I have animated her stamping her feet, shaking her head, pulling the blanket back over her to flop back into bed because she doesn't feel like getting out of bed to face the day and she's become so deluded that she now questions which one out of awake and sleep is the reality and how much should she have faith in either.
I have done close up shots of her head and the poster together as well as zooming out to see more of the scene. I will now play around with the sindys holding letters spelling my name and then that should be all for the filming.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Today I have filmed Sindy looking in the mirror at herself, her body image, showing how looks are important to her. I am looking back from the mirror. First I set the scene. My bedroom has blank walls and a white shelf at the back of my bed so I used this as it is neutral to build onto. I placed a large picture of Hitchcock's 'The Birds' (1963) at the back for a reference of the decade the film is set in. A Vespa calendar is on the wall and some shelves with various books. There is also a pic of marilyn monroe and a phallic shaped cactus plant!
I placed a small pic frame over the lens, which is not on the photo, to look as though I am looking in a mirror when I look in the camera. I wore an original 1960's mod dress, a blonde wig and lots of make-up with huge false eyelashes. I did several takes of me
looking in the viewer and camera, putting on lipstick and just generally checking hair and dress, etc. I was going to have Sindy approaching the mirror and then a backshot of her with me looking back at her but decided to film her looking into the camera, and I will blur the image to fade into my face. The last scene to do is the end where she gets back into her bed. I can then focus on the editing and sound.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


With the title animation scenes, I sped them up and reversed them to how I wanted them to spell. I had to crop and zoom in in final cut, where the cam had picked up more than I could see through the viewer. I captured the prozac footage in 3 stages. The spin, animation and cut ins. I cut out all footage of my fingers spinning the cushion and also cropped and zoomed. I used dissolve transitions on the cuts i made, which gave it a real dizzy, 'out of focus/mind' look. After messing with the speeds I was really pleased with how the shoot had worked out. The animation with the pills worked well.
I also rotated the last clip of the dream sequence and put a ripple transition on it to go into the next scene. I didn't need a spinning effect after all! I cut the Graham clip as I had looped it to play again but the join was not right.
Tomorrow I am filming Sindy looking at me in the mirror, so I better get my false eyelashes and rouge out!


Firstly, I am annoyed because I just wrote my blog and then highlighted it all and pressed return. So there it went! I am now starting again! Idiot!
Having 3 more scenes left to film I decided to do the prozac scene. After speaking to someone who had been on it for depression i learnt that suicide attempts and inertia are common when taking the drug so kept those ideas in mind when creating the set. The scene is part of the story when Sindy has tried various things to distract her endless negativity. I decided to film in black and white for a classic and sombre feel so chose the props to work accordingly.
Sindy was in a lemon, lace nightie and gown called 'Dreamy Lace 1976. To the right is a newspaper reading '...the ups and downs' from 'Shopping in the rain' 1963. To the left is a glass on it's side and some pills (sweeteners). The scene shows how Sindy is in a state of inertia and deliriousness after taking her prozac and I have tried to show how she is feeling. I lay her on a 60's style cushion with her hand to head on her side. She remains still throughout. It is the cushion that moves. I slowly turned it, first the focus on the head, then we see the glass and pills, her legs and then the paper. The scene keeps going round, it looks like a suicide, which reflects one of the biggest side-affects of the drug. I then dropped some sweeteners onto her and animated them to swirl around the pattern of the cushion for a surreal element. The glass 'hoovers' them up and stands up in the centre of the flower. The pills have become the pollen, (sindy is the flower and the prozac is her centre) metaphotically speaking. I cut in to her head, paper and glass shot.
I have also animated the opening titles today. The first is 'A film by' and i used Sindy accessories such as parasols, shoes, hats, bouquets, coat hangers and many more. They will randomly appear to spell out the words. For the title, which I have decided to call 'Tormenture' inspired from the 'torment' poster I placed in Sindy's bedroom scene, is also animated, but using clothes. The title is a combination of the words torment, torture and men so it reflects perfectly how she is feeling and it fits with the themes I am using. It took ages to rummage through the endless bags of Sindy clothes I have to find the most maliable! Each letter will appear 1 by 1, first to spell torture and the 'men' will appear altogether, in red.
I tried different ways of writing my name to go after 'a film by' but animating it by hand writing was too hard for the time I have to do it. I even squirted ketchup to spell it but it looked a mess. I think I will have Sindys holding a letter each.