Saturday, December 1, 2007

All of our toadstools are now finished and painted. I cut out the shapes of the wolf ears today, Nic and i will finish them on Tues before we start to film. We are going to set up the spinster's bedroom in mine with lots of props. We have 2 scenes to shoot for that. The middle 8 bit where we are going to speed it up with Nic and I and the ears, pebbles and shoes coming off the bed. We are going to go over to Hurcott pool, Kidderminster (where we will be filming all of the woods scenes) and maybe film the first scene. We went to final cut pro on Fri and Nick was showing us some techniques in the effects for some of the scenes. He gave us a really god tip for stop framing. We have to film for the length of the tape with the lens cap on because when we edit, each frame won't be read seperately, it just goes back to zero, so we would have problems when trying to find the scenes.

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