Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Now the previous film is complete I have started on the script for my next film, which I think is going to be a Sindy animation. I want to use the stop frame method, using Sindy as the victim of a nightmare of insecurity and jealousy....I'm hoping to provoke sympathy for the doll from an audience but want to include some funny parts too. I'm thinking that I will use cinema 4D to create a surreal world for Sindy in a few of the scenes, also I may use Sindy furniture for the set along with the 'real world' to create a diverse setting for the film. 
Linking this project to the idea behind my essay I am writing: 'ICONIC SINDY: BODY IMAGE AND FETISHISM' the project will be created using ideas on jealousy, nightmares, insecurity, negative thoughts, lack of control, sexual fantasies, etc. I see this as a way of portraying real emotions, personal to me, through the subject of a childhood toy of mine, which has now become a treasure, which I collect. 
I have an idea for a photographic project too which I may do simultaneously. I want to photograph some images of a man and woman in different scenarios, then digitally enhance a copy of the same ones to see how I can alter the perspective of the scene. The originals and the enhanced ones will be displayed side by side. Themes such as sex, weak women who allow dominance from men will be looked at. I see the 2 different  photos representing the opposites of male and female and how differently they can see the same thing.

1 comment:

Stefo said...

so, you never allowed a man to dominate you? you must be strong.