Friday, October 12, 2007


We booked the recording studio and live room again to re-do the vocals in pro tools. Firstly, the existing samples were re-written on paper in their new sounds. So the ones we reversed and chopped, etc. were written as best we could understand them. We came up with some interesting phrases! The full set of 128 new samples can be seen in my googledocs here. ( come...)You can compare them to the original text we used written in colour below, to see how they have altered.
As the original recordings were spoken, we decided to sing the new ones using notes within the major scale and over a couple of octaves for variation. I used a keyboard in the studio for pitch. We bounced the tracks and saved them to the external hard drive. When we put these into Logic, and re-map the midi suit we should be able to get the result we require: to manupilate the samples and get a tuneful result!

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