Monday, February 4, 2008


I have been sorting out clothes for the Set for Sindy to wear. I am still a bit indecisive as to which decade I choose. It's between the 1960's and 1980's. I prefer the '60's so think i will go with that; I don't like the '70's fashions, although I do have some lovely outfits that would look good. I may shoot in black and white for the majority of the film, for a classic look but then in colour for the dream sequences to show the 'reality' of Sindy's nightmare.
I have been doing a test shoot using stop framing with 2 Sindys today. Sleeptime Sindy was used for the bed scene where she is dreaming because her eyes close when lay down, I want to make it as real as possible. The other Sindy is Lovely Lively Sindy and her arm joints rotate 360 degrees, whereas other dolls either bend slightly or not at all. I filmed her sat on the bad, putting her head in her hands, when sped up slightly it will work really well so i am going to use her. I also filmed her walking, with feet out of shot so I can hold her, and also stop framing. Again this looked effective but I will need to make sure the cam is steady and keep myself out of shot. I don't want Sindy on a stand, I hope to make her move as close to a human as I can get! I will have to use blue tac and sticky tape and possibly see through string for when she needs to do certain actions such as holding things and halfway to sitting down.
I have an old book on Movie posters. I want to photocopy one of the pics and have it as a poster on Sindy's wall. It looks cool, fits in with the era and is a British film called 'Torment' (1949).Pictured above.
I am now going to make a final decision on the outfits.

1 comment:

Jhonatan E. Primón said...

Hi! I live in Argentina. I'm just visiting some bloggers and I see your. thats nice, good ideas, interesting, and a beautiful photograph. Bye!