Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I had the studio to myself today which allowed me the time to think and choreograph. I have created a new sequence for all to learn as well as a duet for Maria and Emma. Leah will dance near her stand to compliment the duet. The sequence travels a bit more than the others but not much as my knee wouldn't allow it!
I have been experimenting all afternoon with the 3d filming. I took still footage with 1 camera of 6 Sindys. Then shifted it over to film them again. It wasn't accurate enough so I decided to copy the same footage (left eye) and duplicate this to go where the right eye would. Greg suggested this before but I didn't think the same angle would work. I applied the same filters but the image didn't appear when i changed it to screen mode. I put up the image and wire and shifted the image to the left to then reveal the blue/red images. I put on the glasses and moved it until it was in 3d. I couldn't believe it worked. However, the image is like that of a magic eye picture. The background appears flat and the foreground stands out, but not off the screen. I tried some moving footage to see if it was the lack of depth but again, the images stand apart but do not come into your space off screen. I looked on youtube to double check with the stereoscopic films i had seen and my footage looked flat as a pancake compared to them. For a minute I thought I was going to get away with filming the footage once with 1 camera! The footage I saw was filmed with a stereoscopic webcam and looked great. Perhaps Greg will buy me one!

1 comment:

Исследованик said...

have u tried the i-sights? just a thought.