Monday, July 21, 2008


I have acquired another dancer!! Katie Inns is joining us so I am really happy I have now got 2 dancers. I would prefer 3 but I will have to see what happens.
I have got the Sony cam back as I have decided to go for quality. During the projections I am going to put stills inbetween the stop motion as these seem to work best and the more you look at them the more 3D they seem to be. I wasn't sure what I was going to do when the animation stops as I don't have time to fill the whole performance with film but I also don't want to distract from the dancers so I think having stills will solve this.
Last week I edited some more footage in FCP and did 3d glasses effects in AE rather than putting the filter on in FCP as it seems to create a bigger gap between the left and right, i then end up using the wireframe to try and pull them in.
I am filming today with the Sony in HD and have made the gap smaller between the left and right view. Last week I made a platform to have the camera on so that I could move the cam sideways at the same distance each time. I just used objects with straight edges and sellotaped
them to the platform. I bluetacked the cam to a video case so that it didn't move each time I pressed record.
Now I have the Sony I have a remote control which is necessary
for precision, something the stills cam didn't have. I have done the same with that, just made the distance shorter, hopefully this will stop the ghosting I keep getting, although I saw on youtube that this was more likely when you have objects moving directly towards the camera.
For the performance, I may have a lot of my Sindy collection around the space, in different outfits,
poses, etc to create more of a 3 dimensional aspect. It will bring colour too and will give the audience something else to view before the show starts.
I am having a rehearsal with Kate on Sunday to teach her the material so far then I will be rehearsing with both dancers to get it finished.

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