Tuesday, August 5, 2008


The performance isn't narrative and has no real sense of beginning, middle, climax, etc. Obviously, though, it has to end somewhere. As the beginning is very mechanical with developed simple movement to represent the dolls' abilities early on, then it develops naturally into more free movement. The pram clip I filmed, where the pram is moving away from Sindy towards the camera whilst she pets the dog, may be what I use for the end clip. The pram slipping away with a baby in it can be a metaphor for youth and beauty and how you have it for only a limited amount of time, just like how a child grows up. We all want to escape death and age and most people try their hardest to stay looking young....to no avail! Women substitute their age by having children and people have pets for something to look after, which are usually replaced soon after with another. So this end clip, though short and I may repeat it a few times to exaggerate the repetitious nature of mankind, will finish the piece with the thought that started the idea for the performance......our ideals of beauty are constantly twisting. It is a myth and unreachable and no matter what creams or potions we buy, or how much exercise we do, age is imminent.
Today I am importing the track and editing the rest of the film.

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