Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I have been doing a bit of stop motion today as I thought I could do it successfully with 1 camera and shifting it over, as I did yesterday. The result is above. The clip is quite small so some of the effect will be lost but you can see the closest Sindy especially, is off the screen. It looks better before export, but it's a quick example.
They are a sequence of stills. I had to edit first in Adobe Premiere and place all the left eye clips in and change the speed to 1000, to look effective. I then cut the clips down to a 5th of a second each. Once I had done this to both left and right I exported them seperately and then dragged then into A.E. Then, as yesterday, I applied 3d glasses effect, and changed the colours appropriately and this was the result. I tried different ways to export it because some of them lost the quality that you could not see the 3d properly.
Now I know I can do stop motion with 1 cam I am going to have it in my final piece. The Sindys' movement will compliment the real dancers.

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