Friday, February 29, 2008


When editing the human clips with the animation I was at first dissapointed and thought I may have to do it again. The lighting was different and the human clips closer. I couldnt zoom in too close on the dolls to make them appear larger because the cam goes out of focus at a certain range. I had a mess around in final cut, checking out the effects I could put on. I changed the brightness and contrast of each clip so that they were very similar, already this made them more connected. I moved the clips around, chopped small bits of them to keep and placed them in an order where the animation and people looked similar. I found an effect I liked called radial blur. I thought the clips would look better if they were slightly different to her awake clips. I then found whirlpool in distort menu, it has a sort of concave mirror effect and this looked fantastic for a dream sequence. The movement I have in the scene, coupled with this effect looks great, I'm really pleased with it. I need to find an effect similar to 'twirl' in distort. I want the pic to move in a circle onto the next scene. I looked in transitions but found nothing. Twirl has the effect but not the motion. I'm sure I will find it.
I currently have 3 mins of edited film footage, which is not bad for 6 wks of animation! I have 3 more scenes to shoot, 1 of them is of myself looking out from the mirror that Sindy is looking into. I need to think about the best way I can do it. The other 2 scenes are Sindy on Prozac, which will be brief and her getting back into bed.
I re-edited the club scene so the speed was slower and also the hypnotise scene. I seem to have lost my dance scene somewhere, i know it's under another scene but not sure how to retrieve it. I must grab Nick when I'm in next!
I have about 37 secs of dream footage which will need sound. This along with the 1min 23 secs of psychedilia will be the biggest scenes I will have to do sound for. I won't be doing any filming until weds probably as I have a presentation and draft essay to be in, which I am constantly working on.

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