Monday, April 21, 2008

AE cont...

David and I created thin black bars to put throughout the top and bottom of the whole film, using a solid. We added 3 mins extra onto the end so i can insert the text for the credits.
With the dream sequence, after re-applying the whirlpool effect to the edges, it still wasn't how i wanted it to look. So David suggested a radial blur and I adjusted the strength of it so it was just on the edges. It looks so much better now.
For the 'mirror' scene I had placed a frame on the lens during filming to create a mirror frame but it didn't really look that good so we googled frames and found one to put in it's place.
It has now been adjusted in photoshop to look black. The perspective of this scene was originally going to have the audience viewing the back of sindy's head looking in mirror to see my face looking out at camera. I filmed just Sindy and I looking at camera, one at a time and merging into each other. Now the mirror frame is there, you either view it as sindy in the mirror or the audience are looking in the mirror and seeing sindy look back.
The lighting on pole scene was lowered a bit to make the blue screening less obvious. I had to re-apply it to every frame because David had previously changed the light so it flashed every other frame.
Now i have to write the credits in word to copy over into AE, record sound tomorrow, DVD authoring and art for the cover and burn dvd. I need to write my self-assessment form too.

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